Thursday, December 3, 2009


ok im not a nuggets fan and was just toying around but can you believe this would be possible! Not that anyone other than denver would do this but you now got this starting 5:

pg= AI

sg= Micheal Redd

C= Marcus Camby

sf= Carmelo Anthony

pf= Emeka Okafor

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TRADE WOULD WORK OUT! unbelievable must see!?lakers

Last time I checked, Redd is going in the direction of being an all-star, and Okafor is young and talented averaging a double-double!

As of Reggie Evans, bearly heard of who he is...

This is unbelievable and would never work out. There's no way Bobcats would trade Okafor, or for the Bucks to trade their star Redd.

Okay, but if this would work, then that would be the most insane trade I've ever heard of.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TRADE WOULD WORK OUT! unbelievable must see!?nba merchandise ,nba teams

maybe there still not gonna win a championship eaither way but emecka okafor is still young and cant compete with the other players um he came from the bobcats were they were acpeted to lose now he is on the nuggets were they might have a chance at winning a game and if u ask me witch u did he is not ready 4 it
There's no way the Bucks would give up Michael Redd for K-Mart! The Bobcats wouldn't trade Okafor either.
When it comes to trades, you can't just take 2 players you would want on your team and give up cripples like Martin who is drastically over-paid. I mean technically this trade would work, but that doesn't matter.
wow yeah the nuggets would be dominant if that trade ever happened. too bad it's not going to. Nuggets would probably even beat the Spurs with that lineup.
thats crazy
If that trade happened, I'd kill myself......or stop watching the NBA.
hell NO that will never work. emeka okafor is going nowhere (Charlotte trying to sign him for a contract extension). do u really think they would trade him only to get Reggie Evens?! hahahaha

and for the bucks, they would not trade Redd because he is their star player.
Like you said nobody except Denver would do that trade!

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